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British Asparagus Season: Filo Wrapped Asparagus Recipe

As the British Asparagus Season blossoms, we’re thrilled to present a delightful dish showcasing this seasonal gem. This recipe, Filo-Wrapped Asparagus with Gruyere Cheese, Herb Yogurt, Garlic and Chilli Crushed Peas, Minted courgettes, and Spinach, is perfect for those spring-to-summer evenings, offering a harmonious blend of flavours and textures.


12 Portland Asparagus spears

200g grated gruyere cheese

4 sheets of filo pastry

100g melted butter

Salt & pepper

50g coriander

50g mint

50g flat parsley

1 green chilli, finely chopped

1 thumb-sized piece ginger, grated

1 ½ tbsp yogurt

½ lemon, juiced

2 tsp sugar

30ml olive oil

50g soft butter

1 shallot, chopped

1 garlic clove, grated

1 red chilli, sliced

400g fresh peas, lightly crushed


  1. Prepare the asparagus:
    Trim and peel asparagus spears. Lay filo pastry sheets on a clean work surface and cut each in half. Sprinkle grated gruyere cheese over each filo pastry half and season. Wrap each asparagus spear in filo pastry and seal the ends with melted butter. Brush each wrapped asparagus with melted butter and season. Lightly brown the filo pastry-wrapped asparagus in a non-stick pan, then finish cooking in the oven until the spears are tender.
  2. Prepare the herb yoghurt:
    Blend coriander, mint, parsley, green chilli, ginger, yogurt, lemon juice, sugar, and olive oil in a blender until smooth. Be cautious not to over-blend to prevent darkening. Season with salt to taste.
  3. Prepare the crushed peas with garlic and chilli:
    Heat the soft butter in a small frying pan, add chopped shallot, and fry until soft. Add grated garlic and sliced chilli, cook for 1 minute, then add crushed peas and heat through until tender. Remove from heat and season to taste
  4. To plate:
    Place the crushed peas into the base of each bowl. Top with cooked asparagus spears. Add a spoonful of herb yogurt to one side of the bowl. Finish with wilted baby spinach and roasted courgettes. Garnish with lime wedge and sliced red chillies.
