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Promoting Healthy Hearts this World Heart Day

Did you know that as many as five million people in the UK have high blood pressure and don’t know it?

This is why World Heart Day holds such significance – to raise awareness about the importance of heart health and encourage everyone to take proactive steps towards a healthier heart.

As contract caterers, we have a responsibility to recognise the paramount role that daily eating habits play in maintaining a healthy heart and overall wellbeing. That’s why our culinary team are committed to creating menus that are not only delicious but also nutritionally balanced with a healthy heart in mind.

This past week, in honour of World Heart Day, our dietetics team was back in action, conducting a pop-up event at one of our client locations. The event was designed to be an engaging and informative experience for our client communities, focusing on various aspects of heart health. We delved into heart health tips, including a heart-healthy shopping list, easy food swaps for a healthier heart, and simple yet delicious heart-healthy recipes that can be easily recreated at home.

One of the highlights of the pop-up event was our fabulous chef teams, who whipped up tasty samples for our customers to enjoy. These culinary delights showcased that being kind to your heart doesn’t mean sacrificing flavour or satisfaction.

Our dietitian, Roshni, took the opportunity to educate our clients about the hidden sources of salt in everyday cupboard staples. High salt intake is a significant contributor to hypertension, a major risk factor for heart disease. By revealing these secret sources of salt, we aimed to empower our clients with the knowledge needed to make informed choices when shopping and cooking.

We are excited to share a heart-healthy recipe that was featured during our World Heart Day pop-up event. This recipe is not only nourishing for your heart but also delightfully tasty!

The pop-up event will continue into November across several other Lexington sites.